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Balance Ordering to Maximize Your Primary Vendor Agreement

Don't gamble with your store's compliance by exclusively chasing deals. Before you realize, you are out of compliance with your primary wholesaler agreement and compromising your store’s profitability. Your purchasing decisions today affect your rebates months from now. But how do you know when to purchase away for the deal or be compliant? At the end of the day, you want to maximize your cash flow, but complexity and opaqueness in the industry has made that near impossible. Pharmacy Marketplace has cracked the code with ground-breaking technology that calculates your GPR compliance in real-time as you shop, and a curated purchase order that rockets you to the next rebate tier at a minimum spend.

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Leverage Compliance for CASH FLOW 

Use Pharmacy Marketplace to align your store's drug purchase with you primary wholesaler agreement. Our platform uses your purchasing data and your primary wholesaler purchasing requirements to give you a real-time presentation of where your rebate stands. 

Proven Results for Sustainable Business

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Compliance Case Study 

Learn how compliance works with our Oak Ridge Pharmacy Case Study and pharmacy owner, Saad Aqqad, who leveraged Pharmacy Marketplace to drive his compliance with his primary vendor agreement from 88% to 91%  in one month. 

Easy clarity to achieve compliance

Level Up Your Store Economics with a Single Purchase Order

It is easier than ever to connect with our compliance experts, who review your primary vendor agreement, review your purchasing data, and provide recommended adjustments to your purchase order to boost your compliance and rebate—schedule time to meet with our experts and get started with our compliance services now. 

Start Here to Get Compliance Support

Cure for Gross Profit Erosion

Prime Vendor Agreement Counseling

Pharmacy Marketplace and our counselors work together to educate you and your team to shop for the success of your store. Our compliance program puts your independent pharmacy in the best position to drive the numbers that impact your bottom line. Know how every drug purchase, brand and generic, from your primary and secondary wholesalers, will impact your compliance formula. Get to compliance, stay compliant with Pharmacy Marketplace.  


Generic Purchasing Ratio

Generic items you purchase from your wholesaler versus the generic items you dispense at your pharmacy.



Generic Compliance Ratio

Generic purchasing amount divided by the total RX purchasing amount of your pharmacy. 

Recommended Resources for Understanding Compliance


Compliant vs. Non Compliant: Does it pay to be compliant?

Why Purchasing In The Pharmacy Industry Is So Unique

The Secret to Maximizing Your Wholesaler Rebates

Pharmacy Marketplace Compliance Resources

Your Beacon in the Darkness

Unlock the complexities of compliance with our comprehensive and user-friendly resources designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to effortlessly navigate the requirements of your Primary Vendor Agreement. 

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