Instructions on how to import your dispensing data manually
If your dispensing software isn't automatically integrated with Pharmacy Marketplace, follow these steps to import your dispensing data manually.
1. Export a 7 month historical dispensing/rx data report as a .CSV from your Pharmacy Management System that includes the following fields (with example values):
NDC | Quantity | 340B | Pkg Size | Rx Cost | Fill Date | Margin / Profit |
68462026290 | 30 | FALSE | 90 | 8.14 | 07/20/2023 | -7.08 |
2. In Pharmacy Marketplace, navigate to Data Management and click "Import Rx Data"
3. Upload your exported dispensing/rx data CSV when prompted
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to Select Header Row and Map Columns appropriately
5. On the Verify Data screen, review invalid rows and remove appropriately
4. When the data is valid, click the blue "Submit" button at the bottom right. The import may take some time, depending on the size of the file.
Additional Tips & Guidance
The import will fail if the document contains invalid NDCs
To resolve this:
- Sort your spreadsheet by NDC (lowest to highest)
- Delete any invalid NDCs
- Reattempt the import
Profit data will be detected as invalid if negative Profit/Margin values are indicated by parentheses
To resolve this:
- Import your CSV into an Excel or Google Sheet with a comma as the column separator/delimiter
- Ensure the values in parentheses automatically convert to negative values
- Download/export the data as a CSV and repeat the steps above with the new CSV
Rx Cost and Profit data will be detected as invalid if there's a "0" missing in the hundredth place
To resolve this:
- Import your CSV into an Excel with a comma as the column separator/delimiter
- Highlight the affected column and increase/decrease the formatted decimal places until all values display a standard two decimal places.
- Do step 2 for all affected columns (eg. Cost and Profit/Margin)
- Download/export the data as a CSV and repeat the steps above with the new CSV
What's Next?
Now that your dispensing data is imported, Athena will do the rest of the work for you! Learn more about how to leverage Athena to find the best deals.