A list of the GLP1's that can be excluded from your GCR calculation
The following NDCs (all are GLP1's) will be "scrubbed" from your GCR calculation IF you requested us to do so:
00169406012 |
00169406013 |
00002143380 |
00002143480 |
00310651201 |
00310652401 |
00169280015 |
00024576105 |
00024574502 |
00024574702 |
00310654004 |
00169413212 |
00002318280 |
00002223680 |
00169413013 |
00169452514 |
00169450114 |
00169451714 |
00169452414 |
00169450514 |
00169430330 |
00169431430 |
00169430730 |
00169477212 |
00002146080 |
00002148480 |
00002147180 |
00002149580 |
00002145780 |
00002150680 |
What's Next?
Are additional NDCs scrubbed for your store's GCR calculation? Please email ashley@pharmacymarketplace.com to discuss further.