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How to import purchasing data to view your GCR

Steps for importing invoice data from your primary wholesaler for a comprehensive GCR analysis

If you already imported the invoice CSV and need further instructions, skip to step 3.

  1. Navigate to Data Management and click "Import Invoices"
    Import invoices button
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to upload your invoice CSV file. Instructions for McKesson invoice data export.
  3. Select your header row and click the blue "Next":

heaader row

4. Ensure the field names under "Template Fields" match the field names under "Columns in your file". Then, click the blue "Next".

Note: The field names should already be mapped properly, but to make a change click into the dropdown field.

5. Click the "Show all rows" dropdown and select "Show invalid rows only". Rows will be invalid if there's a missing required field in the row. Review the invalid fields and remove them all by clicking the "Remove all invalid rows" button. You should review the invalid data first before removing all. Once the map columns are formatted appropriately, click "Next."

remove all invalid rows

6. When the data is valid, "Submit"!

Once the data is finished uploading, your GCR will update. You may need to refresh your page to see the update.

Disclaimer: The above screenshots represent mock purchasing data.

What's Next?

Learn more about your GCR analysis.